Feel seen.

Feel seen.

Opre learns about you and teaches everyone how to best work with you.

Opre learns about you and teaches everyone how to best work with you.

Unmatched privacy. Seriously.

Unmatched privacy. Seriously.

Opre’s mission is to help you and your manager create the trust necessary to do hard things and that doesn’t happen when others can see your information. Therefore, admins cannot access what you and your manager discuss with Opre.

They can’t see your AI-generated performance reviews until you and your manager decide they’re ready to share.

Recommendations to advance your career

Congrats on improving your front-end coding skills this quarter! Consider setting a new goal to begin learning back-end coding skills by shadowing your senior developer.

Get ahead.

Super-tailored career development support.

Opre shows you potential opportunities to continue to develop your career and skills and helps you do just that. Opre also identifies ways your manager can support you in that quest too. Win / win.

Performance reviews that don’t suck.

Your manager will get tailored recommendations for how to deliver feedback to you.

Performance reviews can be subject to recency-bias and lack objectivity. Opre's AI performance reviews fixes that and shows your manager how to deliver feedback in ways Opre knows are most useful to you.

Performance and Outcomes

Explore other ways to recognize and reward Meghan's exceptional performance, such as public acknowledgment, which aligns with her preference for recognition.

Effectively manage ‘up’.

Because a good relationship with your manager makes your life easier.

Opre is a silent-attendee in your 1:1s analyzing the communication patterns and offers you (and your manager) insights about how to communicate best with each other.

No more pointless meetings.

Fewer status updates, too.

Opre identifies topics from your previous meetings that haven’t been resolved and automatically adds them to your next meeting. Opre also hears action items and automatically adds them to your task manager.

Not your average task manager.

Privacy control and collaboration in one system.

You have full control over task visibility so Opre can be your daily private task manager and you can share status with the team and collaborate with them when you’re ready to do so.

Free 14-day trial

Invite Opre to your 1:1s to get started.

The rest is magic.

Invite Opre to your 1:1s to get started.

The rest is magic.